Tag: 3.0

  • Twenty Ten: A Walkthrough

    Continuing on our WordPress 3.0 journey, today we’re taking a look at the new default theme, Twenty Ten. It’s replacing Kubrick, a theme that has been installed with WordPress since…

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  • WordPress 3.0 has been Released!

    A big congratulations goes to every developer out there that has coded, documented, screencasted, and so much more for the release of WordPress 3.0! I was planning on doing an…

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  • Covering WordPress 3.0 Features

    In my last post I had a brief overview of some features from WordPress 3.0. I’m currently working on about 5 to 6 screencasts to cover them, but unfortunately I…

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  • Goal of 3 Posts Per Week

    When I decided to relaunch this blog I knew that just a new redesign wasn’t going to bring people back. I needed to do something else. That being said I…

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