In my last post I had a brief overview of some features from WordPress 3.0. I’m currently working on about 5 to 6 screencasts to cover them, but unfortunately I do not have one done today. Instead I thought I’d ask you if you’ve played with WordPress 3.0 (It went into RC3 last Friday, June 11th) and what features you were looking forward to. Is there any specific feature you’d like me to cover in greater detail? I’m planning on covering Menus, Custom Post Types, Author Templates, WP and WPMu code merge (and how to setup a local dev environment). If there’s something else you’d like to see me cover, let me know now so I can start planning it out.
What’s next? Well after I finish this series on WordPress 3.0, I’ve got a few ideas, but would love to hear from you. Do you want me to continue on WordPress for awhile or move onto something else? Let me know in the comments below!