Relaunch 2.0 is a Go!

I’m pleased to be relaunching this site today, especially on my birthday! I decided to hold off another week so that I could get a few more posts done, and a few more little things working right with this blog. I am pretty happy with the results of waiting for a week.

Over the past few months I’ve been working hard to relaunch this site and get a few other ones ready to launch over the next few weeks. This site is just the start! Getting designs finished, doing all the tweaking that needs to get done, let alone get all the content ready.

All these sites will be running on the WordPress platform, and all on one install of WP 3.0. Being able to run them all on a couple of servers and having the same administration login for all should make it easier to manage them. I think one of the best features with WP 3.0 is the fact that they merged WP and WPmu together. It makes it a lot easier for people that have multiple sites to manage them.

Now I’m sure a few of your are thinking, but wait AJ you’re a rails developer…That’s right, I am a Ruby developer. Well the reason I chose WordPress as the platform is that it just works. I don’t have to muck around with security, logins, blogs, taxonomy, pages, etc. All I had to do was some design work (or farm parts of it out. 🙂 ) and create or use a few plugins. The development time was pretty quick. Also, I believe that you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel just to get something out there when another product out there. Besides there’s lots of Rails/Ruby developers out there that rock WordPress backed blogs! 😛

This theme was designed as a child theme to the new default theme, TwentyTen. I wanted to play around with creating my first child theme as well as test out the new Google Fonts API. We’ll see how long I keep all these Google Fonts! So please take a look around, provide any feedback you have for me in the comments, and I’ll be back soon with more goodies!!

AJ Morris Avatar

2 responses to “Relaunch 2.0 is a Go!”

  1. MatthewVB Avatar

    Congrats on the relaunch AJ! Site looks great. I love that this is all on WP and you’re starting to show the power WP has as a full-featured solution.

    Google fonts wise: the body of the text seems a bit weird on my work monitor (FF 3.6) – not sure what’s up — almost a bit pixelated. If I enlarge the font it looks better.

    Love the design up top – very personal yet professional. The WP inkblot is awesome!


  2. AJ Morris Avatar
    AJ Morris

    Thanks dude! I’m really excited to get stuff moving again. I actually was planning on launching this site last week, but I soon realized I didn’t have enough content ready, so I waited another week. I sent you an email about the Google Fonts issue.

    I like the WP inkblot as well. After working with the TwentyTen theme for a bit now, I’m really impressed. The guys at WordPress really stepped up their game for a default theme!