New Years Resolutions?

I sat around thinking for some time over the last few days, trying to decide whether or not I was going to write this post. I did one for 2009 and 2010, but never really kept up on them. Taking a look at both posts, I noticed a few things about them. The biggest thing was that I posted these at the beginning of the year, just like most people do. I also noticed a common theme in both years. I seemed to want to budget more, grow my business, and post more frequently here. So that’s going to be my goals for this year. I’m going to:

  • Budget
  • Continue to grow my Business
  • Post more frequently

Why just these three? Well they all go hand in hand with what I want to accomplish. I want the chance to work for myself. In order to do that, I need to make sure I can budget my personal and business finances without a problem. If I start posting more frequently and post better quality posts, then my business will grow. When my business grows, I make more money which means I need to budget better, and look at that. We have a full circle. So they all work together which means I think they are the perfect combination of goals to have for the next year. What do you think? Do you have goals for yourself or you business this year?

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