Hard At Work and No Play!

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This week has flown by! It’s already Friday of my first week out here at the Headway World Headquarters, and we’ve made tons of progress! We’ve pushed out a survey to the community, an important bug fix release (which included several security fixes as well as big hitting features the community loves). We’re also working on the next major version of Headway, which I can finally say will be 3.0. We’ve been roughly working on this since January (maybe even a little before!) and are almost to a point of being able to get a beta out into developer customers hands. Clay has been pounding away at this release and still get out new features and bug fixes throughout the year as we’ve needed it. It’s a very exciting time here at Headway and I’m super excited that Clay and Grant have brought me on.

This week has been filled with Headway related things, whether it’s working with the guys on Headway things, or emailing and working with clients to get their sites up and going so that can get to making money with their businesses. I don’t think I’ve ever had a job as fun as this! I can’t wait to see what the next couple of months bring me!!

Speaking of next couple of months

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