First Month Freelancing

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I have been working from home for 38 days. A lot of things have happened in this time.

I started it all by heading to Kansas to work with Grant and Clay on Headway Themes 3.0 and got a lot done! The team is very excited to get version 3 out the door. You can keep up with the latest updates on it over at the Headway Themes blog.

I’ve had a huge influx in client work since starting to freelance full-time. So much that I’m currently booked about a month in advance! I have had to learn to deal with people getting upset with me (and some quite upset) when I can’t put them ahead of others that have been waiting. Something that wears my patience at times.

I’ve traveled to Toronto for a conference to speak at about Headway. I’ve done at least 3 WordPress User Group meetings via Skype/GoToMeeting to talk about Headway 3.0, and will be speaking at a local user group at the end of the month.

I’m keeping busy. I love it! Can’t wait to see what month 2 brings!

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