Resurrecting My Blog

Well I figured it was only fitting a few months after I made myself a goal of blogging more (again) that I’d find time for other things, but not blogging on this site. It’s funny because while I said I was going to blog more on here, I’ve actually been blogging over at Headway Themes and trying to get stuff caught up there. It seems like I’m always behind in something…never enough time in the day/week/month/year.

I’ve also been working on setting up a schedule of when and what to blog here. Mostly it will be development and personal thought type stuff. I’m condensing my Headway stuff and am only going to put stuff about Headway over on the Headway blog. In fact, I just sent out an email to this morning to Headway staff about getting me a list of videos we need updated or created. So hopefully you’ll be seeing more of those there.

This blog, however, will be starting to get filled with my ramblings about the politics involved with WordPress (what community doesn’t have them these days), and development tips I find along the way, either from randomly searching the Google, or my own stumblings. They will likely be smaller posts as they will be specific to the task I was trying to solve at that point. Some might be longer though like this new deployment strategy I was working on for one of my clients.

So stay tuned, and keep with me. I’m making a public promise to be posting more here. 🙂

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