Startups, WordPress, and Life on Mars?

Tree on a Hill
Photo Credit Neighya

It may come to a shock to some readers here that I am no longer going to be posting about some things on this blog. I’ve taken on a role with Headway Themes that has me blogging more both on the official Headway blog and now over at Headway Hub.

Because of this, I’ve decided to stop blogging about WordPress and code here. I’m hoping to focus more on what it is like to start freelancing, what tools I’m using to help along the way, and other things about the startups culture. So if you were coming here for WordPress or Headway related posts, make sure to check out Headway Hub where I’m blogging more about WordPress and Headway items. I’m actually starting a series this week on getting into freelance web design/development. So be sure to check that out.

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