Goal of 3 Posts Per Week

When I decided to relaunch this blog I knew that just a new redesign wasn’t going to bring people back. I needed to do something else. That being said I decided that I was going to give myself a goal of X number of posts per week. The way I am going to accomplish this goal is by scheduling them in advance. It’s one of the few features I’ve only played with in WordPress and not really used for my own blog.

After using it for a few days now, I have to say that I’m really impressed with it. I can get together a schedule of posts I want on here and start working on them and then just schedule a date for when they get published. And it works beautifully!! I can say without a doubt that this feature I’m going to be using a lot! I don’t have to wait around till the night before I want something posted. I can load up a queue of posts and then not have to worry about getting content up here. That my friends is a great thing!

I’ve got some screencasts I’ve been working on and they will be posted next week. In the meantime, if you are into WordPress as much as I am, you might want to check out some of the posts below. They talk about the new features of 3.0. They helped me get this blog started and I think they will help you too.

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