Summer of WordCamps!

I decided to take the summer (and part of the fall) to attend as many WordCamps as I could. I started out by checking out the list??here and then started to see which ones I could drive to within a day or so. I then found 6??that I could go to and they are:??Columbus,Iowa,??Savannah,??Baltimore,??Detroit, and??St. Paul. It’s going to be crazy but I’m excited!!

WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. WordCamps are open to?? and?? users??alike. –

I think this is going to be an great summer! I’m really looking forward to meeting other WordPress developers in the community and see what cool projects they are working on. I’m also looking forward to getting a chance to network with other freelance developers and to start spreading the word of my other sites. I’m also going to be submitting talks to a few so hopefully I’ll be speaking a little bit as well.

Are any of you heading to a WordCamp this summer? If you are going to one, perhaps we’ll see each other there. If not, I encourage you to check out the list and see if there’s a WordCamp near you!

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