A New Design

Lately I’ve been having this urge to redesign this site and spend some time refocusing it a bit. The past few months have been an incredible time in my life as I married my wife — the woman of my dreams. That time I spent a lot of time — debating, thinking, praying — trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this site.

I’m excited to announce that it’s going to come back alive and I’ll be blogging more as I continue down a little bit of a new road. I’ll still be sharing tips and tricks that I have been learning, projects I’m working on, and the struggles along the way.


Headway has always been near and dear to my heart. I’m pleased to continue working with them as we start to bring some great new features to your favorite theme. I won’t be blogging a lot here about Headway, unless it pertains to a video, tutorial, etc. that doesn’t go on their blog. If you want to follow some cool things I’m doing with Headway, or just want to see the tutorials we’re releasing.

Tips and Tricks

This blog is going to focus mainly on pieces of larger projects I’m working on. I’ve been a part of some cool things like, building a company logo out of nothing but CSS and icon fonts. I’ve been building deployment processes and strategies. These are all fun projects that I’m excited to share with you.

New Project

I’m starting a new project. I’ll be announcing it soon, but it’s going to be something I think the WordPress community will love! It’s my new startup, I’m bootstrapping and I am excited to see what you guys think about it. I’ll try and share some of the things I’m working on with it. I want to get as much feedback as possible on it, before it’s released. I won’t be talking all the gritty details, but will be posting things along the way to show you.

New Blog

I’m also pleased to announce that I’m going to be starting a blog with my wife. We’ve been planning it since we have been on our honeymoon. We even thought of a domain during one of our dinners. We’re still trying to get the exact purpose of it out, but we’ve bought the domain (while on our honeymoon!), and I’ve got the start of the site up. We’re not ready to share it yet, but we will be soon!

That’s about it. Subscribe to the blog or the newsletter. Get ready to be getting updated on some great information that you are all going to love. I’m excited to start sharing these projects with you!

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