WordPress – Just Another WordPress Blog??

Today I thought I would talk about WordPress and the creator of WordPress. WordPress is a blog publishing system written in PHP and backed by a MySQL database. It is the official successor of b2cafelog and has a thriving user and developer community. It is  distributed under the GNU General Public License, so WordPress is free software. Matt Mullenweg is the founding developer of WordPress, the popular open-source blogging software. He has devoted most of his time to developing numerous open-source projects. He was recruited by CNET to work on WordPress for them and to help them with blogs. WordPress appeared in early 2003. It currently only supports one weblog or site per installation, but there is a multi-user version available called WordPress MU.

WordPress can either be downloaded or installed on your own web server, or you can create a fee hosted WordPress blog at WordPress.com. I will be focusing on WordPress.com and their features they offer first

  • It only takes seconds to get your blog up and running!
  • Dozens of Themes to choose from.
  • Ability to Categorize and Tag Your Posts
  • Spell-check, Previews, Autosave, Words, Photos, Videos
  • Lots of Privacy Options, including Members-Only Blogs
  • Integrated Stats System
  • Automatic Spam Protection
  • Ability to Import from Blogger, TypePad, LiveJournal and more.
  • A Great Blogging Community
  • Sidebar Widgets for Flickr, del.icio.us, Meebo, and More!
  • Manage Regular Pages, not Just Blog Posts
  • Feed Stats, Export, and so much more!!!

Now you may be thinking, well do I really need all that? You may be also thinking what are all these things that you are talking about? Well over the next few weeks we will be going through setting up a blog from WordPress.com, choosing a theme, setting up categories, creating pages, and working through your first post. Feel free to comment or send me some feedback to feedback[at]techtalknews.com.