Tumblr and Twitter!

I had a friend email me a couple of cool sites the past few days and wanted to share them with you. First off is Twitter. Twitter is a social networking service that allows members to inform each other about what they are doing and what they think. It allows users to send message via phone, IM, or the twitter website. Users can receive updates from other selected users via web, IM, or SMS. Here’s my twitter URL. Feel free to add me if you have an account or create one!

My next site I wanted to share with you is Tumblr. Tumblr is like blogging, but a variation of it. It favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common posts formats found on tumblr include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video.  Unlike blogs, this format is frequently used to share the author’s creations, discoveries, or experiences without providing commentary. You can visit my tumblr here.

I have an update with my WordPress tutorails I wanted to mention as well.  I promised in my last post that they were done, however, they have not been posted yet.  That’s because I had trouble getting them to my hosting service.  I was going to use DreamHost, which is my hosting provider, but I have decided to use Screencast.com which is a hosting service from TechSmith Corporation, the makers of Camtasia Studio, which is what I used to create these tutorials.  So I will be creating links to these here very quickly.