Sample heading. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

  • Did you know I’m one of three most important people in WordPress?

    Remember that whole Thesis vs. WordPress debate that lasted a few minutes some time ago? Matt tweeted something about getting a T-shirt if you contacted him via his blog. Well I started my morning out with a trip to the PO box to see if anything was there (really I was hoping a check from…

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  • Great Looking Headway Designed Sites

    In continuing my discussion from my previous post about Headway Designers, a comment by MommyGeek, made me think it was time to highlight Designers that went above and beyond and made really great examples of what you can do with this awesome theme. So I took a look through Ownen Greaves post about Headway themed…

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  • My Issue with Headway “Designers”

    Headway theme is a great WordPress theme for the DIYer’s and the developer. If you’re looking to create a blog or a 1.0 site for your business. It’s a theme that allows you to create a site without having to code. You don’t need to know CSS or PHP or even a lot about WordPress.…

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  • Calling All Freelancers…

    Do you like freelancing as much as I do? Well I’m looking for any freelancer anyone that’s used a freelance website before. More specifically I’m looking for what the URL is and why or why didn’t you like it. I’m exploring some now, and figured I could get a better idea if I just asked…

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  • Screencasts Anyone?

    I wanted to take a moment to give you an update as to why I haven’t been posting here lately. First, things got super busy at my day job, trying to get a new release out the door, which should hopefully be pretty soon. Second, I’ve gotten quite a few new new clients I’ve had…

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  • Twenty Ten: A Walkthrough

    Continuing on our WordPress 3.0 journey, today we’re taking a look at the new default theme, Twenty Ten. It’s replacing Kubrick, a theme that has been installed with WordPress since 2005. I didn’t go in as deep of depth as I would have like, for instance,

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  • Using Permalinks in Development

    Today’s screencast is #2 of my series about WordPress 3.0 and a local development environment. It’s all about getting Permalinks working on your local system. Of course this only applies to people using Mac OS X, but the same methods should apply. Watch the video below, or watch it in HD!

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  • New WordPress Development Series

    I’m sponsoring a new WordPress screencast series about setting up your local development and some of the new 3.0 features. Over the next couple weeks, we’ll be taking a look at things like, setting up your development machine, using permalinks locally, TwentyTen and child themes, menu management, and much more. I encourage you to check…

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  • WordPress 3.0 has been Released!

    A big congratulations goes to every developer out there that has coded, documented, screencasted, and so much more for the release of WordPress 3.0! I was planning on doing an overview video of some of the features I covered in a previous article,

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  • Covering WordPress 3.0 Features

    In my last post I had a brief overview of some features from WordPress 3.0. I’m currently working on about 5 to 6 screencasts to cover them, but unfortunately I do not have one done today. Instead I thought I’d ask you if you’ve played with WordPress 3.0 (It went into RC3 last Friday, June…

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