Launching My First Course: Chimp.Coach

I am excited to announce that I am launching my first course, Chimp.Coach. I’ve been wanting to create a course for some time. In fact, I actually have several in the work, but I have failed to get them complete and launched. Likely for many reasons I can list. But the other day a good buddy of mine, Cory Miller, put out a challenge in a Facebook group I’m a part of to get sell something by Oct. 23rd.

That kickstarted me and I took an idea I had for a very simple, small 5-part course and put it into action.

We were actually talking about a similar course about a year ago. Help a specific set of users get started with WordPress and Mailchimp. So I set out on creating a 5-part series to help them. I got the video (content) done, but then stopped. Why? Not really sure. But I stopped and it never launched.

Fast forward to today, and I am excited to announce that I have launched Chimp.Coach. Chimp.Coach is the culmination of my 5-part video series. I’m running a founding member launch right now for the course. Get in at a super low price, and you’ll get lifetime access to the course.

I already have a number of ideas of how to expand the course and will be heading back to the recording studio very soon to record these videos as well as several new ones I want to include.

Get Chimp.Coach

This wouldn’t really be a launch post without a direct call to action to get my new course. I’ve never been very good about announcing or pushing my side projects on my blog. So while I don’t have a lot to say about it here, I’ll leave you with this.

If you are a small business that is struggling to get online. Doesn’t matter if you are a retail business looking to grow your online presence or if you already have an online presence and looking to grow it even faster. Email lists are the heart of an online businesses success and the best way to grow your business is to make sure you are growing your list.

Take a look at Chimp.Coach if you are looking to start (or even grow) your email list. You won’t be disappointed.

Why Mailchimp?

People have often asked me why I like Mailchimp so much over the past year. The biggest reason is that I needed to learn how to use it again because at my day job, we use it exclusively. In fact, it’s at the very center of most of our marketing strategy.

But aside from that, it’s one of the most perfect tools for small businesses. It’s extremely easy to use, it grows with you, and if you have a digital business, you can really make it work with you.

As I’ve started to transition my own side hustles to helping small businesses, I realized that I could quickly get up to speed and help them implement Mailchimp (and email marketing) into their marketing processes and it would help them begin to see changes to their revenue.

Why Launch Now?

However, this year, it’s been different. COVID hit the world in early 2020 and as we went into lockdowns, businesses needed to get online immediately, some for the first time. That’s when I realized my experience, my knowledge, and my skill set could be used to help businesses navigate something that was native to them.

After toying around with the idea of moving into teaching courses and consulting more, I tested the waters during the summer months. I realized a couple of things during that time. The first is that I love teaching. I have forgotten how much fun it is to me to share my knowledge, get feedback and see how I can help people.

The second is that I love being able to consult with businesses and help them see immediate results in their actions. The older I get, the more I realize that I don’t always have to be the one that does the work. If I’m helping a business to create a strategy, I can give that to them and let them implement.

What’s Next?

I have a couple of course ideas I’ve been playing around with and this fall I am currently taking Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy. This is going to only help me turn up the heat as I begin to dig deeper into courses.

I’m excited to start planning more courses. Some small, some big. We’ll see what I settle on over the next few weeks as I continue to learn more about creating online courses.