How to Stop Calendly from Booking your Whole Day!

I am a big fan of using Calendly to help schedule a wide range of meetings, from internal to external meetings. I may have been known to send out a Calendly link to a friend from time to time to have them schedule lunch or playtime with our kids. While it ends up being incredibly useful for booking meetings, one thing it’s not so good at is helping you keep from being booked from meetings.

You see Calendly has one job, book meetings to your calendar. But if you are like me, you can’t always been in meetings all day. You’ll never get any other work done. There were days were I would find myself booked from the time I got up, till the time I was done. Some days, that’s expected. But after awhile of having several days back to back to back meetings, I had to find another way to stop being in meetings all day.

That’s where some fancy work with Calendly and Zapier came in. By creating a couple of zaps to Check it out in this video.

These zaps really help keep me a little more organized when it comes to my calendar. Not only do they allow me to have meetings scheduled throughout the day with Calendly, but they also take into consideration internal meetings that get scheduled on 2 different calendars of my day job.

This process works incredibly well to help you not get your day full of meetings. Which was one thing I really wanted to make sure I could help prevent if at all possible.

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know if you have any questions.