Remember that whole Thesis vs. WordPress debate that lasted a few minutes some time ago? Matt tweeted something about getting a T-shirt if you contacted him via his blog. Well I started my morning out with a trip to the PO box to see if anything was there (really I was hoping a check from a client was there so I could get paid).
What I found though was a package from Automattic containing all sorts of WordPress goodies. The thing I found the coolest however was the certificate that Matt and the gang included. If you don’t get the “joke” behind it, I encourage you to read up on the debate and watch this video over on Mixergy. There’s a part in there where Chris says,
I’ve done great things with WordPress since 2006. I have been arguably one of the top three most important figures in the history of WordPress. You, Mark Jaquith, and myself, are the three people that I am talking about.
It’s pretty interesting to listen to if you haven’t heard it already. Either way a big thanks goes out to Matt and the team at Automattic for sending a bunch of these out to people. I’m sure like myself they are??grateful??for their leadership in developing a quality project.
In the package you’ll notice that it contained a T-Shirt (it’s long-sleeved). Unfortunately the shirt that I got was a Large and I need an XL. So I’m going to give it away here completely FREE! It’s a little tricky though because you can only apply if you need a large shirt. What you need to do is this, comment on this post about what your favorite feature is in WordPress 3.0. You can include a link to a screencast (you can use Jing!), or a story. The more creative the better chance you have at winning. You will have until the Tuesday Sept. 7th at Noon EST to get in the running. I’ll then choose a winner and contact them directly to get their address to send it to them. ??Good luck!
2 responses to “Did you know I’m one of three most important people in WordPress?”
Very clever.
I thought it was pretty clever too. 🙂