DC Startup Weekend Wrapup

So I’m sure most of you by now have seen that DC Startup Weekend and come and gone. We are the third weekend in a row to have a working product in BETA form by Midnight Sunday night. It was an awesome feeling! We had uStreamed the moment that we went live and was glad to see that we had some visitors that shared that moment with us. You can see some more posts regarding the event, and HolaNeighbor!

For those that attended the event I’m glad I met every single one of you and we truly did an amazing job getting everything accomplished that we did. Matthew VB says it best that business owners need to be worried about Startup Weekends.

The last thing I would like to show you is our commercial for HolaNeighbor! So without further ado, Here’s there commercial.

I almost forgot, so I better add this now, but I would like to thank all the organizers, the sponsors, and especially the Viget Labs for housing us for the weekend. Without these fine folks, HolaNeighbor! would not be what it is today. Brian and Andy (co-founders of Viget Labs) were absolutely great. They were just as much part of the weekend as we were. They were the first ones to get there and the last ones to leave. Andy even came back when we had network issues at 11:30 at night.